DNS Consult, owner Lutz Moehr
Names of persons authorized to represent company
Lutz Möhr
Schanzenberg 2
17389 Anklam
Value-added tax identification number
VAT ID No.: DE 151175943
+49 (0) 700 - (12 cent/min.)
+49 (0) 700 - STEREO3D (12 cent/min.)
Responsible by law (§ 6 MDStV)
Lutz Möhr
Copyright by DNS Consult, owner Lutz Möhr. All rights reserved.
All texts, artwork, graphics, sound, video and animated files, as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. They must not be copied or altered for trade purposes or transmission and used on other websites.
DNS Consult provides information without any assurance or guarantee of any kind, be it explicit or implicit. All implicit guarantees concerning the marketability, the suitability for certain purposes or the non-violation of laws and patents are excluded. Even if we assume that the information we provide is correct, it can nevertheless contain errcontain errors or inaccuracies.